Music to uplift the soul. Instrument juggler. Creator of worlds.

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"Treasure Chest Collection" is a collection of songs in acoustic version, sung online during the live sessions of April and May 2021.
This album feature all the songs that have been performed, that is 27 tracks !
Usually, it would be called a double-album, it has been organized into 4 "cycles" classifying the songs by theme. (see Story below)
It is an opportunity to offer fans these acoustic sounds, after many years mainly dedicated to electric sounds. Refined music, simply guitar and voice. Intimate.


- the 4 cycles of the album are released during summer 2021, starting from July 2

Album's artwork based on illustrations by :
Kay Nielsen "East of the Sun and West of the Moon: Old Tales from the North", 1914
Hieronymus Bosch "The Garden of Earthly Delights", 1490-1510

thanks to the fans for their support, and to all those who participated in the live sessions !


At the beginning of 2021, Aurélien gathers on a notebook the guitar chords of most of his songs, created over time.
"I realized it was like a treasure accumulated over the years, that it all must be an integral part of myself."

He wanted to practice playing them spontaneously in acoustic, when he feels in the mood.
Why not start some acoustic sessions again, working the songs in order to master them, improve them, play with them, "inhabit" them ? Broadcasting this practice for followers and fans ?

Thus, in April begins a series of acoustic live sessions, each time recorded with a microphone placed on a chest in the room.
Until the end of May, it's about 30 songs that are performed, each on 3 social media sites and on the website.

The desire to make an album from it came quickly. The concept has evolved : first it was about creating an EP (3-4 songs), then a mini-album (7-8 songs), or even a short album of about 30 minutes. Finally, it's a double-album that is finally adopted, all the songs having been retained !
"In a live album, people choose the song they enjoy the most to play, then they discover others, it's better if there is a wide choice. I wanted to include all the songs performed, especially since all eras are represented."

After a necessary sorting, the audio production gave these versions recorded with a mere microphone, in the most simple way, the best acoustic rendition possible. Authentic, lively.
The album is organized into 4 "cycles", to better present its rich content :
- the "Cycle of Life" proposes the songs with an uplifting spirit, celebrating live and living-together, a better world
- the "Cycle of Contemplation" contains the aerial songs, contemplative, spiritual
- the "Cycle of Escape" proposes the songs evoking escape from society to better rebuild ourselves
- the "Cycle of the Earth" contains the songs linked to nature, paganism, mysticism


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merch in the works !

contact address : info[at]
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Ⓒ Aurélien Bachelet 2021 - all rights reserved